Welcome to YEAR 6
Welcome to Year 6! Click on the link below which will take you to our Year 6 digi-floor book where you can find out all about our learning and fantastic experiences.
Class Teachers are as follows:
Ben Nevis: Mobena
Brisbane: Erica
SS Robin: Martin
Welcome back!
We hope that you have had a wonderful summer and that you are looking forward to the Year 6 Autumn Term as much as we are. This newsletter will give you information specific to Year 6 for the forthcoming term.
Please arrive at school ready for the classroom doors to open at 8:40am. It is very important that the children are on time as timetabled activities will begin at 8.45 promptly.
Our current whole school theme is called A Better World. We will be learning about climate change and our ‘carbon footprint’ with a focus on our local area. We will begin by looking at a brief history of Newham, West Silvertown and the Royal Docks before moving into a more critical reflection of what may lie ahead of us— which involves redesigning a more sustainable West Silvertown. The recent proposals for a giant distribution center just across North Woolwich Road will also be part of our discussions.
Our second theme will take us up to Christmas and is called ‘Highs and Lows of the 20th Century’. This theme is extremely exciting and will primarily focus on World War I and II where we will look at key figures and significant events. We will also visit the Imperial War Museum and HMS Belfast during this time as a stimulus for our writing. We will be reading ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ - a story set during World War II.
P.E sessions will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. On these days pupils are permitted to wear their PE kit into school and remain in it for the duration of the school day. This is the case with PE shoes if they fit the school uniform policy (black shoes); if they are coloured, pupils will be required to bring in a change of shoes. It is also very important that your child brings their book bag to school every day as they will need to have their reading book in school each day; it also lessens the chances of losing valuable resources.
Homework in Year 6 will form an integral part of the children’s daily learning and therefore it is vital that homework be completed on time and to a high standard. Homework will be given out to the children on a Wednesday and is expected back the following Wednesday. Please note at the bottom of each Homework sheet, there is a parent/caretaker section that needs completing. The pupils are also familiar with the online Reading Logs that must be completely, and are checked, weekly. Your child should be encouraged to read for a minimum of 15 minutes each evening.
This year, every Year 6 student will continue to use Google Chromebooks during the school day. One of the benefits of this is that all of the children’s work is stored remotely (and securely) in the cloud and can therefore be accessed at home. We really encourage the children to continue their learning as much as possible at home and to do this they will need access to a device that can connect to the internet: a laptop, MacBook, tablet or even a smart phone with internet connection would be suitable. They should go to google.com and sign in using their unique e-mail address which ends in @britannia-village.newham.sch.uk and then use their password to access all their files in Google Drive.
We are holding a number of important meetings in the upcoming months where we will provide valuable information that will enable you to support your child and ensure their success in Year 6.
Tuesday 10th September —6:00pm - Secondary Transition meeting in Britannia Village Primary School Hall. An opportunity to discuss deadlines and what needs to happen over the course of your child's final year in Primary education. Your Year 6 children are welcome to attend.
France meeting for parents will now happen in November. A letter will be sent to confirm this. - France trip (June 2020) in Brisbane classroom. This meeting will allow us to discuss with you what the trip will look like and ask any early questions. This has been a hugely successful and enjoyable trip and early planning is important.
As usual, if you ever have anything that you would like to talk to us about, please do not hesitate to speak to us at the beginning or the end of the school day. We can speak briefly then or you can make an appointment for a more lengthy discussion, if the situation requires it. Parents evenings are also just around the corner. Additional information about the curriculum will be available shortly on the school website.
Thank you for your support,
The Year 6 Team:
Erica (Brisbane), Mobena (Ben Nevis), Martin (SS Robin)
Backing tracks and scores can be found here: https://www.mfy.org.uk/participants-mfy-proms/
Link to video for the actions can be found here: https://www.mfy.org.uk/media/2349/sequence-01.mp4