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School values

“It takes a whole village to educate a child”


On our Britannia Village Primary School learning journey we aim to provide a creative, stimulating and happy environment where achievement, mutual respect and self-esteem are valued.

At each twist and turn we aim for our pupils to develop crucial skills, attitudes, talents, knowledge and understanding to assist their continuing growth in a changing world; drawing upon our staff, parents and the local community to guide our pupils towards and beyond the next step of their journey.

To achieve these aims we will:-

  • Provide a broad, balanced, child-centred curriculum which is both accessible and appropriate to all our pupils.
  • Provide opportunities for both independent development and collaborative learning.
  • Demonstrate, expect and celebrate high standards in achievement, behaviour and care of environment.
  • Be rigorous in pursuit of equality of opportunity.
  • Make efficient use of time and all other resources.
  • Share our planning, outcomes and concerns with parents and pupils
  • Involve the school in the community and the community in the school.


Distinctive Aims 


·    We aim to provide a personalised learning experience for our pupils in small classes and teaching groups.

·     We aim to identify and nurture pupils' individual talents across the breadth of the curriculum.

·     We aim to empower pupils to develop resilience, confidence and independence all through their learning journey.

·     We aim to gain external recognition of our excellent provision through working towards national quality mark
