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Dear families,


Determined Admission Arrangements - September 2020


The law requires that all schools must have admission arrangements that clearly set out how children will be admitted, including the criteria that will be applied if there are more applications than places at the school. Admission arrangements are determined by admission authorities.


All admission authorities must determine (i.e. formally agree) admission arrangements annually, even if they have not changed from previous years and a consultation has not been required. Admission authorities must determine admission arrangements for entry in September 2020, by 28 February 2019. Britannia Education Trust is the admission authority for Britannia Village Primary School and we have to formally agreed to adopt the LB Newham’s admission arrangements for September 2020.   


For any proposed changes to the existing determined arrangements a formal consultation must take place and must be for a minimum of 6 weeks and must take place between 1 October and 31 January of the school year before those arrangements are to apply. For example: for arrangements which are to apply to applications in 2019 (entry in September 2020), consultation must be completed by 31 January 2019. This consultation period allows parents, other schools, religious authorities and the local community to raise any concerns about proposed arrangements.  We did not propose any changes for 2020 as our changes were made and consulted upon for entry in September 2019


Our Determined Arrangements for the school year starting in September 2020 are in the PDF below.


You can object to these arrangements or the arrangements of any school by referring to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator. Objections to admission arrangements for entry in September 2020 must be referred to the Adjudicator by 15 May 2019. Any decision of the Adjudicator must be acted on by the admission authority and admission arrangements amended accordingly.

Admissions Arrangements 2020

Welcome Letter for new reception families

Other Admissions

Britannia Village Primary School adopts the London Borough of Newham admission arrangements for pupils from Reception to Year 6. If you would like your child to attend our school, please contact the local authority directly, following the links below.


If you would like your child to attend our nursery, we manage our own admissions and you should apply directly to the school. See more information on the link below.



To help you in your choice of primary school, please feel welcome to visit us. We are always happy to meet prospective parents and show you what we have to offer. Please contact the office to arrange an appointment.
