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YEAR 5 Newsletter

Dear Parents/carers,

Welcome to Year 5!

            Our first topic this term is A Better World. We will be looking at the rainforest and ways to protect it. In particular, we will be looking at the causes and effects of deforestation, particularly recent events in the Amazon rainforest. We will also be visiting the London Zoo to experience of what a rainforest feels like. We will then be moving onto ‘The Great Explorers’ topic which will look at historical figures that discovered new lands. We will be looking at maps to better understand where these countries are, the lengths explorers had to go to to get there and how they survived their great adventures.

In English, we will be writing a letter the Brazilian Ambassador in the UK about the Amazon rainforest and ways to protect it. We will also be writing fictional stories about our own adventures and discoveries of new lands.

In Maths we will be learning about place value – reading, writing and saying numbers up to 1,000,000. Please practise these with your children! We will then be revisiting addition and subtraction, using numbers up to 1,000,000.

Many of the children completed wonderful homework over the summer but there were some children who did not. We would ask that all children complete their homework and that an adult checks that they have completed it to their fullest potential. Homework will usually be given on a Wednesday to be returned the following Wednesday.

The children will still have PE twice a week and we would appreciate it if they could bring their kits in on a Monday and take them home on a Friday. If you could take the time to clearly label your child’s uniform and PE kit this would be extremely helpful.

As a polite reminder, please make sure that you are leaving your children to walk up to the classrooms on their own. If you wish to speak to a teacher about your child, please do so after school or book a meeting with them. Parents evenings are also not too far away and we would expect to see all parents.

There will be a meeting upcoming for Fairplay House and the Year 6 France Visit, we will communicate this date with parents once it is finalised. This is a great opportunity to see the types of activities which the children take part in as well as answer any questions. The visit to Fairplay House will take place in January.

If you have any other questions or concerns please do not hesitate to come and speak to us.


Best wishes,

Harry, Kate and Ifa

(The Year 5 Team)


