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Dear Parents and Carers


We hope that you and your family have had a good break over the summer holiday. We are looking forward to welcoming your child back to school on Thursday 3rd September at 8.45am (please see our website for term dates). We are aware that some children have missed several months of school and are keen for them to be able to see their friends, participate in the life of the school community and catch up on learning that they have missed. We hope therefore that you will support us by bringing your child to school on the first day of term. Please note that home learning will no longer be provided as it is the government’s expectation that all children will return to school in September. 


Please rest assured that we will continue to follow procedures that are designed to keep your child safe during the course of the school day; these include regular hand washing, keeping children within year group bubbles at break and lunch times, and regular cleaning of equipment and surfaces. In the unlikely event that your child becomes unwell we will escort them to an isolation room and will contact you to collect them from school.


We plan to ensure that children’s return to school is as smooth as possible. We have therefore updated the procedure for parents dropping off and collecting their children each day. In order to make it easier for parents and children not to congregate in large numbers outside the school gates please note the following arrangements:

  • Year 1 will enter and leave school via the main gate (as previously)

  • Years 3 and 4 will enter and leave via the new entrance in Boxley Street

  • Years 2, 5 and 6 will enter and leave via the entrance in Evelyn Road 


Start times and finish times remain the same for all year groups as before lockdown.


Please remember not to escort your child(ren) inside the school gates. The only exception to this is that at the end of the school day Year 2 parents will come into the main playground, turn right and wait for their children near the fence that borders Evelyn Road. When dropping off and collecting children you should endeavour to observe social distancing guidelines. If you need to speak to someone in the school office, remember that only one visitor is allowed in the entrance lobby at any time.  


Drinking fountains remain disconnected; it is important therefore that your child brings their multi use water bottle into school. This should be taken home and washed at the end of each day. We will be recommencing healthy, hot meals from the first day back for parents who have chosen this option; a menu will be available on the website shortly. Children should bring a packed lunch into school where parents have informed the school that they have selected this option. 

Due to government guidelines it will not unfortunately be possible to reopen the morning Wideawake Club. We have however planned an after school clubs programme which will commence the week beginning Monday 14th September; more information about clubs will be provided shortly. Each club will only be attended by pupils in a single year group to ensure that children remain within their year group bubbles.


We are sure that this will be an exciting term for your child and look forward to seeing you next week.


Yours sincerely

Olaf Moorhouse

Head of School


Linda-May Bingham

Executive Headteacher
