Welcome back! We hope that you have had a wonderful break and that you are looking forward to the Year 4 Spring Term as much as we are. This newsletter will give you information specific to Year 4 for the forthcoming term.
Please arrive at school ready for the classroom doors to open at 8:40am. It is very important that the children are on time as timetabled activities will begin at 8.45 promptly.
Our new topic is called Chocolate. It is an extremely exciting topic which will begin by exploring the history of the popular snack all the way back to the ancient Maya and its introduction into Europe. The children will have the opportunity to research the production of chocolate before designing and making their own chocolate bar. We have various exciting educational visits planned for this term including a visit to Cadbury World in Birmingham as well as visits from experts in Mayan history and archaeology. Furthermore, we will be reading ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ and basing our narrative writing on this text.
P.E sessions will usually take place on Monday and Tuesday. We request that the children bring their kit on Monday and take it home on Friday. As a reminder, swimming will take place over a two week block (23rd March to 3rd April 2020 at 1pm). Swimming kits should include a towel, swim hat and tight fitting swimwear. Flip flops and googles are optional.
It is very important that your child brings their book bag to school every day.
Homework in Year 4 will form an integral part of the children’s daily learning and so it is vital that homework is completed on time and to a good standard. Homework will be given out to the children on a Tuesday and is expected back the following Tuesday. Children are expected to read every night and keep a record of their chosen book and how many pages they have read a night and should summarise what they have read once a week. With all homework, we ask that you check your child’s work in order to maintain the highest possible standards. Children will also be given spellings in their logbooks to tackle at home— it is important that these are practised regularly. We also ask that children are continually practising their times-tables at home. By the end of Year 4, children need to be able to recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12. Please keep checking our (regularly updated) ‘Digi-floorbook’ (link is on the year 4 page of the school website) to see what exciting learning has been taking place.
Thank you for your ongoing support. We look forward to seeing you at Parents’ Evening (see whole school newsletter) and some of you at Chusan’s assembly (12th March) or Patonga’s assembly (13th February).
The Year 4 Team:
Haleema (Chusan), Noor (Patonga) and Joss (Durban)