Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to an exciting new term at Britannia Village!
We will begin the year by looking at Our Local Area, where we will discuss local landmarks and buildings and why they are important.
Over the next few weeks, our work in Year 1 will be focused around the topic ‘A Better World’ in which we will learn about and explore water and how we should use it.
We will do this through the following subjects: History, Music, Science, Design & Technology, and Physical Education.
In English we will be retelling the story ‘The Crocodile who didn't like water’’ by acting out scenes and creating a story map.
In Geography children will be learning about how and why water is not as readily available in other countries as it is here. We will also look at water in the local area such as the docks and the River Thames, which will link our learning to History.
In PSHE we will be learning about how to look after the environment and save water as well as learning about other countries where people do not have access to clean water.
In Design & Technology we will be using materials to make musical instruments that sound like water as well as creating water themed boxes.
In Music we will be creating music using our own rain shakers and singing songs to do with water.
In Science we will be learning about water looking at different scientific concepts such as floating and sinking and the water cycle .
In Physical Education the children will participate in gymnastics and create dances to the music they have made with their rain shakers.
Activities to do at home
Continuing the learning from school to home is also very important and helps our children progress even further, so we will also provide a home learning folder and send home some work each week to build on their learning in school. We hope it will help you to reinforce the learning that takes place at school.
Please bring in any shoe boxes you have at home for making water themed boxes next week.
Please note there will be no toast provided to your child in the morning time. During morning break your child will have the opportunity to eat a piece of fruit. Please ensure your child eats breakfast before they arrive at school.
Year 1 P.E.
Please note that Year 1 P.E. sessions will take place on Fridays. Please ensure that your child wears the correct P.E. uniform to school every Friday; they will stay in their PE kit for the whole day. The correct uniform consists of black shorts / tracksuit bottoms and a plain white T-shirt. Please note that football shirts cannot be worn. Suitable black footwear should also be provided. Your child will also take part in Gymnastics on a Monday. The year group will be split into 2 groups and they will alternate every half term. Further information will be provided soon.
Phonics books
Your child will be issued with a new reading book and a story book at the end of each week. Please ensure that these books are returned by the following Wednesday at the latest to allow enough time to change the books. It is important that you take time to listen to your child read and support them as they need it.
Reading books
Please remember that children are welcome to take library books from the Year 1 classrooms to read at home. Each class group has a file in the reading area – the children should note down the date and title of the book they are borrowing.
Please don’t forget to return these to school!
Year 1 Clubs
Year 1 clubs this year are every Thursday after school. Further information will be provided soon. Please note that children may need to alternate the club they attend.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Kind Regards
Year 1 Team